I received lots of Easter goodies from Lisa V in Australia including the sweet pinkeep. The kids of course were quick to claim the stickers and bunny pen!
And this is what I sent to June. The stitched pillow is by JBW, a limited edition kit from a few years back.
Thank you Lisa and Lainey for another great exchange!
I am off to find my mojo, which has been missing for a while. Actually I have recently become addicted to the CW show Supernatural -- DD and I watched 5 seasons in the course of about two weeks, so I haven't been doing much else. The eye candy in that show is quite addicting.
Well, I must get going on some exchanges and dig out another old WIP so I have something to show for next month's WIPocalypse report--see you all next full moon :)
Great exchange packages!!
My DD is addicted to the Supernatural and watches it all the time. I'm usually in the stitching chair so I don't really watch but I do listen. And glance up for the eye candy! :o)
Nice exchanges! lol about getting addicted to Supernatural. Haven't seen that one.
Love that JBW egg!!!
Soo pleased you liked your exchange gifts Marjorie.
I am a huge Supernatural fan, I find both Sam and Dean are excellent eye candy, but consider myself a "Dean girl" through and through, gotta love that smile!
Wonderful exchanges!
Great exchanges. My kids are the same when packages arrive, they like to see what is in them. It is usually the sweets/candy that they are after, if there is any. Have watched Supernatural a couple of times and it is a good show and I agree on the eye candy.
Great exchange goodies!!
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