The title says it all I think. Thankfully I'm over the stitching slump, but whenever I contemplate the blog it's like...meh, too much work : ) But since I had a (small) burst of energy this morning I decided to post some recent finishes and assorted other stuff.
First off is my offering for the Seasonal Exchange--the latest freebie from Primitive Betty, finished as a pin pillow stuffe
d with crushed walnut shells and trimmed with brown chenille for my partner Pirjo in Finland. The fabric it is sitting on was used for backing. Haven't received my exchange yet, but hopefully soon!

I am soo ready for fall, as I'm sure most everyone is after this horrendous summer, and had to get a start on Halloween stitching. I received this Mill Hill kit as part of a giveaway from Ranae of Stitch by Stitch some time ago and finally got around to completing
it, using perforated paper instead of the linen.
Since Kitty Witch needed companions I stitched this little owl, a freebie from Cherrywood Studios, and a crow from Stone and Thread. Of course now some finishin
g needs to be done but I'm pacing myself :) Please forgive the awful photos but it is difficult for someone with my poor photography skills to get a decent shot of something this teeny. I swear I'm going to take a class or something before my next blog p

And in keeping with the Halloween theme I pick up my old Kindred Spirits WIP again. I really love this design but I threw it aside in disgust some time ago when I realized (after I had stitched the words) that "kindred" was charted as "kindrid" which, well, is not right. Having overcome this obstacle, I hope to finish fairly soon once I tackle
that monotonous border.

I hope I haven't bored anyone too much yet. I have some last-ditch summery-type finishes as well (when I get over a slump, I really get over it). This is BBD's Gathering Basket, sans basket which I didn't especially care for, done with random overdyed threads kinda close to what was called for, on a
random piece of blue linen. And finally (for stitching anyway) a freebie from Little House Needlework, Summer House, again done with whatever random overdyed threads caught my eye. And no, I don't iron, lol. Ever.

OK this first is not a vaction pic--we
went to a dog show locally and I could not resist getting a shot of this guy. He stayed in his car the whole time we were there--hope he wasn't glued down or anything.

My first-ever (and possibly last) corn maze...
county fair with lots of livestock and other fair-like things...
This totally awesome antique sleigh which I really really wanted, no matter that it would not fit in my luggage and I don't really know what I would do with a sleigh.

These guys seem to have had a good time--a last little summer fling. DD
is starting high school in a few days
and I am already back to work so the good times are over for a while :(
Thanks for hanging in this long lol. I am going to try to post more frequently so I don't have to write a novel to get caught up again. Thank you all for visiting and for your comments!