My blogging and stitching mojo has been in the dumps

lately...I guess someone had better get out the cattle prod since I have one more exchange and several gifts to churn out :) I did finish the gift for my BFF, a late-October baby who is also (no surprise) a huge fan of Halloween. This is BYOB by Glory Be, on 32-count linen from the depths of my stash basket using the recommended floss. My projects frequently don't turn out like I envision them but this time I was quite pleased with the finished product.

I managed to get my offering for the Seasonal Exchange in the mail and the same day received this adorable little pillow from Lynn. It is a Bent Creek design and Lynn stuffed it with crushed walnut shells. I love designs with birds, especially crows, and the fall fabric is beautiful. Thank you again Lynn!
Some time ago I won a giveaway Natasha was having
on her blog to celebrate her 10th anniversary, and

she sent this beautiful little pin pillow--the pattern
was by Elizabeth's Designs, not sure of the name.
Her stitching is so tiny and delicate--thanks again Natasha!
Speaking of anniversaries, DD and I are both having birthdays this month--DD is entering the dreaded teens and I will be closer to 50 than I like :o So I think a giveaway will be in order for next time. Stay tuned!