I haven't actually done any Halloween stitching yet, though I have plenty, since I'm saving it for vacation in a few days' time--the kids and I are leaving the land of brush fires and strip malls and spending a few weeks in quaint and idyllic Amish country with the grandparents. The only problem with this (for me anyway) is the 5 + hour flight. Ah, flying--the joys of (simultaneously) attempting to be calm and reassuring to an 11-year-old who has expressed concerns as to the safety of air travel, and mentally cussing out the flight attendant who is taking FOR-EVER to make it down the aisle with the cart of alco-beverages.
Aside from planning what to stitch, I have done some actual stitching. I finished a piece for an exchange and put a few (very few) stitches into my Mary Wigham. Still on Part 1 of 9. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will probably be the last person on the planet to finish this project.
Sibley Hall is limping along--actually not too far from completion. I just have to finish the alien-looking sheep creatures on the lawn.
I even took out the Carriage House creatures, two of my older WIPs, Frederick and Spot the Horse, thinking that I might actually fnish something before we leave, but it was not to be.
I also wanted to show off what I received in a floss exchange on ILCS from Lisa. These are Carrie's Creation threads--I had never used them before but they are beautiful. I love getting stuff in the mail!
And lastly, but cetainly not leastly, I felt the urge to brag on my DD a bit. She is exhibiting some of her artwork at her school tomorrow. I think she does pretty well for a kid still a few months shy of her 12th birthday.

I don't think I'll be blogging for a while...I'll be lucky if I can beg for a few minutes on my nephew's computer to check e-mail. I do appreciate everyone's comments though, they inspire me to keep stitching. Until next time!